Do you like reading? If you do I am sure that you know Joan Rowling. She is an English woman and she is 36 years old. She was born in Bristol in 1965, is married and has got a little boy whose name is Swing. She has written the “Harry Potter” books.

        It’s a series of four books. The title of the first one is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and the second one is “H.P. and the room with the secrets.” “H.P. and the order of the Phoenix” and “H.P and the Goblet of Fire” are the third and fourth books. They are the best books I have ever read.

        Joan is a beautiful woman with many qualifications. First of all she has got the gift and the talent of writing. She can ride a horse and she can sing very well, too. She was born in Bristol in 1965, and has taken many prizes for her books such as The Guardian, Smarties and ABBY. Warner Bros, the film production company, is going to make a movie of her first book.

        Rowling has made heroes in these books with different personalities. I think she is a genius because everything in her books has got a lot of interest and the minutest detail is going to upset your calculations, like who the bad guy in the story is and things like that.

        She is caring, sensitive, very very clever and she has a down to earth character. she has got lots of friends, too. Everybody wants to be a friend of hers because she has got an excellent character. (O.K. Not an “excellent” character because nobody is perfect in this world!


Lucy Xionidis is an eleven year old student at the Fourth Primary School in Katerini. She has many interests – she reads English books in English and, as you can see, is an avid Harry Potter fan! She is also the Greek Junior National Karate champion in her class and has won tournaments in Northern Greece and Athens.